Jan Jyoti

E-Mail: jjssehjbp@gmail.com

Squint FAQ

Q1. What is Squint?

Squint is a medical condition known as strabismus it can occur at any age but it is very common in younger children. Basically, it can be explained as a disorder where one eye may turn up or turn aside but the other one looks ahead. It cannot get better own on its own though it is medically recommended to opt for proper treatment. It can lead to serious medical issues if not treated on time. This is not a rear condition it can occur at any stage of life. In simple words, it is the condition where both the eyes are pointed in a different direction which can get better with the proper treatment only. It Is advisable to take the doctor’s recommendation if you notice a regular squint in your child’s eyes. Squints are very common in babies and they are intersperse over a short period of time which should not be taken seriously but notice the body language of your child if they continuously turn their head in one direction or they keep gazing continuously at things then you should see a doctor. It is very important to treat squint as it may lead to many complications. If you or your child is facing issues  with their vision, or you are experiencing a lazy eye which  happens when your brains start neglecting signals from the affected eye where you or your child just fails to develop the normal eyesight.


Q.2 What are the causes of squint?

The exact cause of squint is still unknown because this disorder can happen at any stage of age. Some are born with a squint in their eye whereas some experience it at a later stage. Squint can also be caused by the temptation to overcome vision or when you find it difficult to visualize things with pressure such as short-sightedness, astigmatism and long-sightedness. Astigmatism is a condition where the eye front is not evenly curved which leads to blurry vision. Long-sightedness is the difficulty caused by visualizing the objects nearby whereas short-sightedness is the difficulty caused by visualizing the objects far- away. Squint can also be caused due to some infections, family history , some genetic disorder , down syndrome, delays in the development of the body organs, cerebral palsy and other problems related to the nerves or brain. There is a rare symptom known as retinoblastoma which is a type of eye cancer that happens during childhood and for your child’s eye evaluation, you should see a GP to keep track of your child’s condition. When a child tries to overcome the visual attempts they can be affected by the squint. There is no such finding or cause that leads to the squint but there are some major symptoms that must be noticed and observed in the children to avoid any further complications. As far as it can be understood the problems caused by the damage in the nerve where your brain neglects the signal and makes it difficult to visual because it makes the other eye weaker. Commonly it can be seen in one eye but some children with down syndrome have it in both the eye.


Q.3. What is 3D vision?

3d vision is deficiency caused by in-depth perception where a person experience eye strain or headaches during watching 3d movies. it can be experienced by any individual or it can be the effect of vision dysfunction. Difficulties in convergence while watching 3d movies or effects can be remembered as the 3d vision syndrome. In some cases, it can be dizziness where after watching 3d effects or movies people experience nausea as the material which are required for the development of 3d visuals can affect the vision.  Some people have a complaint that they feel the screen is coming directly at their face which is not normal it is because of eye deficiencies that lead to discomfort. when the binocular vision system stops functioning properly it reduces the depth in one’s vision. You can recognize the 3d vision troubles when you experience popping out of the screen directly on your face, after watching 3d movies it becomes tough for you to get normal, eyestrain, headaches, nausea, blinking and dizziness If you face any of the above-discussed symptoms you should see an optometrist who has expertise in treating binocular vision. We would recommend optometrist examination to train binocular vision problems in young children as they not only develop the need for evaluation but also do eye teaming, 3d vision, eye focusing and other functionality of the eye.


Q4. Age of Onset?

Squints are very common and they can be developed and occur at any stage of life and also at any age but they can vary from person to person based on their eyes functionality and their brain functions as nerves play an important part. Squints usually happened at an early age or in young children, some children have it by birth or some can develop it by the 3 years however people of any age can develop strabismus. It is most common at the initial stage of life which is 3 – 4 weeks but deviation can vary from person to person it can also develop after 1 month. The first evidence can also be found out at 2 years of age.


Q5. Aim of treatment for Squint?

Treatments are recommended for relief whether it is for squints or any other health related issue. The main aim behind treating squints is for the enhancement of the eye’s vision and for treating vision loss if any. It can also be treated with different combinations of glasses, surgery or eye patches. There is no specific age for adults but children are always under surveillance and taken care of as squint might lead to blurry vision and vision loss in children as well as Restring 3d vision, reversing the lost vision, placing the eye at the center ,correcting vision etc.


Q6. Age of treatment?

There is no specific age for the treatment. again it can vary from person to person but earlier is always better. Do as your doctor ask you to do. Postponing can lead to unbearable discomfort. It is better to opt for the surgery rather than waiting for it to get normal if you have been recommended by the doctor. Taking earlier steps and sessions on time is always better for health. Children feel discomfort and due to the lack of communication they suffer so it is recommended to look after  the body language of your children as some  infants can also have this problem . as soon as you take recommendations and prescription from your doctor it is better.


Q7. What are the treatment opinions?

Treatments for the squints can be surgery, eye patching or spectacles as per recommended by the eye specialist. Glasses, eye exercises and sometimes injections are used as a treatment for squint. Child eyesight problems such as long-sightedness can be treated with the help of glasses. For controlling, eye movement eye specialists also recommend having an eye exercise routine so the eye can work together. when glasses are ineffective in some cases doctors also recommend surgery to line up eye movement correctly last but not least injections are put into the eye muscle that helps in the correct lining up of the muscles but its effect is usually for a short duration. The first treatment that is offered to the child patient is lazy eye and this is treated with the help of eye patches if this doesn’t work surgery is the second option.


Q8. How glasses & Squint surgery can remove squint?

Surgery is done under the guidance of an eye specialist when other treatments like glass, injections or eye patches don’t work. the main aim of the operation involves the movement of eye muscles as this helps in controlling the eye movement as well as lining up correctly. Glasses are mostly helpful in children because their body is always in a developing stage which helps doctors to evaluate the changes. If glasses don’t work doctors often recommend surgery. In serious cases, glasses cannot be used as a replacement for surgery. using glasses as a permanent treatment of squint is not beneficial for a long time but surgery works better in many cases. Squint caused because the long-sightedness can be treated with the help of glasses. squint surgery involves activating the eye muscles and more than 95% of the cases squint surgery is permanent and squint doesn’t come back after the surgery but in some rare cases patient might need some additional treatment which is also beneficial because of the precise treatment and modern technologies.


Q9.What is patching therapy & can it straighten the eye.

The eye patching method is completely safe and has no side effects. It is the first stage of a treatment which is recommended for children. it is the type of therapy where one eye is covered with the patch to initiate the movement of the weaker eye. This method is most effective for treating squints in young children and earlier is always better for treating squints or lazy eyes in young children. An eye patch can be uncomfortable for the children but this can be beneficial as the patch is stuck on the eye, not on the glasses. some precautions need to be followed for better results. it is very important to patch the eye completely so nothing could be visible. In elder children, some alternative homemade patches can also be used. Doctors recommend some strict schedules which need to be followed for better results. Young children might feel discomfort so eye patching can be scheduled for short periods. In the beginning young children should play fun mind games and elder children should develop the habit of reading to make the  most use of the eye muscles as vision improves children will be comfortable with the eye patch on and lastly it is also very important to take regular follow up.


Q10. How is squint surgery performed?

Before performing the surgery patient is given a general anesthetic when individual is asleep. Surgery doesn’t take long it takes approx. half an hour after which the patient is released and can go back home. The family member can accompany the children while they are having surgery until they have been given an anesthetic. during the procedure, doctors use a lid speculum which is used to hold the eye open. Sometimes both eyes can be operated for the proper  muscle alignment than for moving muscles to the new position they detach the muscle previously which helps the eye to move in the same direction after which muscles are fixed with dissolvable stitches which are hidden behind the eye. In some cases, for adults and teenagers, further adjustments can be made after the surgery and are recommended local anesthetic drops from creating numbness in the eye. After surgery, a pad is put over the treated eye which is removed after a day. Patients might feel soreness after the surgery which is treated with the painkillers recommended by the doctor. The patient might also experience some side effects such as eye pain, eye redness, eye itchiness or double vision which differs from person to person. Every patient last for a few days and can be treated with the consumption of paracetamol but it is recommended for children about 16, eye redness  can last for a month or a few weeks, and double vision last for a week but doesn’t last long whereas itchy eye last for few weeks as itchiness happens because of the stitches.


Q11. What is the anaesthesia required in squint surgery?

Children belonging to 12 – 14 years of age are given general anesthesia whereas children after 14 years are given local anesthesia during surgery. Anesthetic considerations and their moderation are very important, especially for children. Children often outweigh the risk of anesthesia as general anesthesia is recommended and given to people belonging to all age groups but this is provided for the major complications and the complicated repeated surgery. Children are especially recommended prophylactic antiemesisi along with dexamethasone & ondansetron


Q12. Whether absorbable or non absorbable sutures required?

There are two types of sutures absorbable and non-absorbable. absorbable sutures dissolve themselves whereas non-absorbable sutures cannot be dissolved therefore they need to be removed after the wound is healed. they remain with the issue and they are often used for the tissues which require a slow healing process and long-term closure. For squint surgery, absorbable sutures are used as they can be dissolved and there is no  need of removing them.


Q13. Complication of squint surgery?

Strabismus surgery is recommended for patients when the squint can no longer be treated with other methods. some complications might occur after the surgery but they have an excellent recovery rate when provided with proper treatment. as in some cases complications might disappear in some time followed by the implementation of some conservative method while more than 95 per cent of the patient has gone through a successful surgery. lost muscle, scleral perforation, slipped muscle and  reflex are some of the intraoperative surgical complications whereas allergic reaction, pyogenic granuloma, conjunctival scarring, Dellen, anterior segment ischemia, eyelid ptosis are some of the post-operative strabismus complication.


Q14. What is success rate of surgery?

More than 95 per cent of the patient have been treated permanently but in some rare cases, the patient might need to have additional treatment if they are experiencing symptoms. Over 90 per cent of the people see improvement after the surgery. It depends on the seriousness and complication of squints which can be varied. There are different factors that affect the surgery rate such as the type of squint, time of surgery and the vision of the patient.