Jan Jyotie

E-Mail: jjssehjbp@gmail.com

lasik FAQ

Q1. What is Lasik eye surgery and how does this work?

LASIK stands for laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis which is the alternative to glasses and contact lenses. Lasik surgery is done to correct the vision with the help of an excimer laser to reshape the cornea, and correct near-sightedness, astigmatism and farsightedness. A transparent tissue that covers the eye known as the cornea helps you to focus light and visualise things. This surgery is performed with a special type of laser that helps in shaping the dome-shaped clear tissue (cornea) that improves vision. This helps in treating vision problems by correcting them. Problems like myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism can be treated with LASIK surgery. Lasik surgery is considered when you already wear glasses or contact lens and the doctor might recommend you some other refractive alternative if that options work for you otherwise surgery is done. Laser is used to reshape the cornea for correcting vision-related problems and once the LASIK surgery is performed you will not need to wear glasses or the contact lens. Before you ask your doctor to perform LASIK surgery do yourself a favour and research. Ophthalmologist review your medical history as directly performing LASIK surgery will not work for everyone due to some existing or underlying medical condition. If the problem is evaluated then you will offer some other refractive alternative to treat your vision problems.  Before surgery you will be given an anaesthetic drop so that your eyes get numb. Don’t panic you will only be recommended Lasik with the proper rest and precise measurement of your pupil and cornea. 


Q2. How safe is Lasik

So far it was concerned that LASIK eye surgery has a good record. It is rare to observe eye complications such as vision loss. Over 90 per cent of people are satisfied with the LASIK eye surgery and experienced the expected result. There are certain side effects but it is completely safe as doctors performed this surgery after the test and full evaluation of your medical history. LASIK doesn’t damage the eye but it has some long-term effects where some patients have observed a decrease in the number of keratocyte cells in the cornea and due to this decrease in cells it can damage the cornea and also has an impact on the overall eye health. Everything comes with uncertainty whether is minor or major and the same goes with the LASIK surgery as results depend on refractive error and other factors. There might be some temporary visual disturbance and dryness which is common as they usually clear up in a few weeks. Some people might also experience them for the long term and you should immediately see your doctor.  Lasik surgery has a higher rate of success with people diagnosed with near-sightedness whereas people having major farsightedness and astigmatism caries less predictable results. The failure rate of LASIK surgery is 1 per cent and is generally considered safe because the devices used for performing surgery are trusted.


Q3. Does Lasik hurt?

No, Lasik eye surgery is not painful. Doctors first evaluate your vision problems along with issues and then the further process takes place. You may heard of horror stories about Lasik eye surgery but fortunately it is completely painless.  Doctors give numbing eye drops right before performing your Lasik surgery but you may feel little pressure but no pain during the whole procedure.  Valium is often recommended by doctor as a medication to help you remain relaxed and clam during the surgery. There are certain after effects of surgery as you might feel itching or experience some burning sensation but they don’t remain for longer period of time and last for some time or few weeks. Refractive surgery techniques have been evolved and is no longer painful as procedure that were implemented few years back comes with some discomfort. Performing Lack of anaesthetic which is used for numbing the eye can lead to some pain during surgery but when the drop is given in the appropriate amount there is no such as pain experienced by the patients so far. Doctors ensure the prefect treatment and proper evaluation of the eye problem before performing any surgery. The issue with the surgery is not pain as there is little tissue which need to be operated in order to get clear and focused vision.  For optimising patients comfort medication are used as cornea is very sensitive part of the eye. After surgery also patients are given some oral medication to avoid any discomfort and complications.


Q4. How long does it take to Lasik

Usually, it takes 30 minutes for the doctors to perform LASIK surgery. Before the surgery, you will be given some medication to relax and remain calm during the whole procedure. You will be asked to lie on your back after which some numbing drops as anaesthesia will be given for painless surgery.  Cutting the cornea will feel like pressure but it will be completely painless. A suction ring will be placed before the surgeon cuts the cornea flap because of this procedure you will experience blurriness or dimness in your vision. In some cases, it might take 10 minutes for each eye. Time is completely based on the number of corrections needed and the prescription given by the doctor. The laser takes 20 to 50 seconds which helps in correcting vision. Surgery might take a few minutes but you should plan to take out at least an hour or more from your schedule because the procedure and the preparation might take time. You should prepare yourself for the time that this procedure takes because it is the doctor’s responsibility to offer you the best services and hassle-free consultation. There are some stages involved before and after the surgery so you should plan your day accordingly. Eye is very sensitive and delicate part of the body which should be treated with precautions and hassle-free procedure so it is better to not focus on the amount of time it consumes but on the safety which is ensured by doctors.


Q5. How is Lasik treated?

Usually Lasik is treated with surgery but it can vary from the doctor’s recommendation to your other health-related issues. Lasik eye surgery is used to treat vision problems such as long-sightedness, and short-sightedness. During this procedure a special type of cutting tool is used to reshape the cornea that is present in the front of the eye and affects our vision. Near-sightedness or myopia happens cornea gets too curvy because of which the light rays focus on the retina and cause blurriness. Farsightedness or hyperopia is when the eyeball is shorter than usual, sizes and the cornea is too flat because of which the light focus on the back of the retina instead of failing on the retina this cause near and blurry vision. When the cornea flattens unevenly it results in astigmatism and light rays end up disrupting vision. Lasik treatment is considered when you are already wearing contact lenses or glasses. This surgery is completely based on the doctor’s evaluation and guidance. There are different factors that affect the surgery such as age, vision and other health problems are also evaluated. Lasik is a surgery it is done when you observe discomfort in your vision. This problem is treated with the laser and the sharp tool is used to cut and reshape the cornea to make the vision better. There is some risk involved after the surgery is done as you may observe dry eyes, regression of the blurriness for a few weeks.


Q6. What are the complication ?

It is FDA approved that LASIK is a completely safe procedure but complications can be observed as it might not be the right choice for everybody. Vision loss is a very rare complication which occurs after surgery. Blurry vision, vision loss, overcorrection, under-correction, regression, changes in vision, astigmatism and glare are some of the complications observed and experienced by patients. If too little amount of the laser is removed as compared to what is to be operated leads to under correction and it is most common in people with the near-sighted and you might be needed another Lasik surgery after a year. When tissue is removed more than what is needed it leads to overcorrection and they are more difficult to be fixed as compared to under-correction. When uneven tissue is removed it leads to astigmatism. Some complications can be caused when the flap is removed from the front during the surgery which further leads to the problems like infections and excess tears. It is very rare to observe vision loss as a complication after the surgery and it happens in less than 1 per cent. Autoimmune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis, medications, hormonal changes, pregnancy, breast-feeding or age, Inflammation of the cornea, lid disorders, eye injuries or eye diseases, such as uveitis, herpes simplex affecting the eye area, glaucoma or cataract are some of the condition when doctors don’t recommend LASIK surgery. All the tests are done o before the surgery to avoid serious complications that come with the surgery afterwards.


Q7. Who can get Lasik?

It is approved by FDA that LASIK is recommended for 18 years and above this can be decided by the array of tests done by opthamalogits that comprise the compressive evaluation. Based on the evaluation it is recommended what surgery is best suited for your eye correction. Laser treatment is completely based on visual needs if you are feeling discomfort with your vision or observing some complication you should see your doctor and the doctor will accordingly choose the right surgery. Lasik treatment has been evolving for many years as patients’ safety and discomfort is the top priority as a slight inconvenience can lead to vision loss. A patient above 18 years can get LASIK surgery and you might be told to wait for another couple of years so that doctors can evaluate the major changes in the body that takes during development. Functioning of the eye is majority affected by the age of 40 as protein present in the eyes clumps up and causes deficiencies. Major changes occurred by the age of 40 and you should take care of your eye health and immediately see your doctor if you see major changes or discomfort in your vision. Presbyopia has occurred during the age of 40 which cannot be corrected with the LASIK surgery thus people falling under that category are not offered LASIK.


Q8. Lasik cause night vision problems is this true?

According to the survey night vision problems and decreased vision immediately occur after the LASIK surgery but this won’t last for more than a week. After the surgery and the measurement of the vision are done there are possibilities that you might experience that your capabilities to see in dusk or fog will be reduced to a greater extent than before however, the chances of this happening after the surgery is very low. Trained doctors and surgeons usually evaluate all the test results for treating near-sightedness and also other conditions that impact the vision before the LASIK eye surgery. Lasik eye surgery is one of the most well-known eye surgery that helps in coping with issues related to vision and addresses refractive errors. As a result of epithelial flap our eyes have to go through adjustment which can cause complication and night vision problem is one among them. Many patients observed reduced night visions after the LASIK surgery as this makes driving at night dangerous. Duration of night vision problem varies from person to person as in some cases it can last for a few weeks and others can preserve it for months anyways you are recommended by the doctor for a periodical visit to monitor surgery progress. Ensure to communicate your concern with your doctor and follow the surgeon’s instructions. You can deal with this problem before operation and after operation by following surgeon’s instruction and also exercise caution when you are out at night.


Q9. How often I should see a doctor after Lasik surgery?

No, you do need to see your doctor frequently after LASIK surgery unless you are asked. If you have health concerns after the surgery you can visit your doctor and follow their instruction. Usually, patients are asked to visit every 2 years for evaluation of progress and ensuring that eyes are stale than before. Doctors need to check and safeguard patients’ eye health so you should see your doctor every year or once in two years.   Follow-up is one of the major parts of LASIK surgery as this helps in ensuring eye health and if any issues or complication occurs they are treated. If any correction happened you will recommend having another Lasik surgery after a year but in case of overcorrection it is not easy to fix them back to ensure the eye is healthy you will be given some medication according to your need. You should stick to the schedule because this helps in catching eye problems and it is essential to treat them immediately.  It is also very important to monitor the eye surface on regular basis. Lasik surgery ensures the improved vision as this reshapes the cornea and refractive errors are corrected. You can take care of your eyes by wearing sunglasses after the surgery for taking care of eye health and ensure precaution you can reap 100 per cent benefits related to the LASIK surgery. People often underestimate which leads to complications and disturbance in the cornea. You should observe the changes and if you experience any discomfort you should ask your doctor for an evaluation so avoid serious issues.


Q10. Can I wear contacts before surgery

No, you cannot ear less before surgery as for accurate measurement it is very essential to remove the lens before the surgery. Wearing contact lens because corneal swelling that can hamper the accuracy of the surgery and treatment as they can dry out the eye which impacts the healing process after the surgery. Tour are asked to remove the lens for rigid gas permeable lenses before 2 weeks and for soft lenses 1 week. Contact lenses are an alternative to glasses and LASIK surgery is alternative to both glasses and lenses. The shape of the eye gets altered with the contact lens. Sure gets hard with both soft and rigid gas preamble lenses so it can interrupt the prescription and hamper the treatment. It is very important to give ample time to the cornea for getting back to normal shape so you cannot wear lenses before surgery. We would like to suggest that you should remove your contact lenses prior to the initial consultation for proper evaluation and consultation. To get the best result from the laser surgery you should not ignore the bottom line which is to ensure proper vision so you should try to compromise with this and avoid wearing contact lenses based on the doctor’s instruction.


Q11. Am I too old to get Lasik

It completely depends on the visual needs and the issues related to the eyes. As per the survey, there is no oxide age limit to have LASIK eye surgery as it completely depends on the visual needs and eye health of the person. Teens are most often asked to wait because of the developing stages that bring changes to the overall health of a person. Patients with no organic reason for eye-related issues such as vision loss or cataracts can undergo LASIK surgery with proper follow-up and doctor’s instructions. Cataract can be corrected with surgery but is inevitable and cannot be prevented completely. There are sage group recommendations before considering any type of surgery for teens below 18 it is recommended to wait for years as the eye continues to grow and initiating any immediate action can hamper the growth and development. For people belonging to early adulthood which is 18 – 40 years old can be considered for laser vision correction based on the prescription and then comes middle age ranging from 40 years to 60 years where presbyopia begins which cannot be corrected with laser vision procedures and you will be recommended monovision. The last range belongs to people 60 years and above where patients are more likely to develop cataract if the patients have undergone cataract surgery will be considered for laser correction surgery as well.


Q12. When do I get Lasik surgery

Age plays an important factor in getting LASIK eye surgery but it is not the setting stone. Before the surgery doctors will consider all the tests and based on the evaluation you will be considered to have LASIK eye surgery. The average range of getting the surgery is from 20 years to 40 years. Patients below 20 and 18 are recommended to wait for a few years to get stabilized prescription. Lasik can befit you at any age but is completely based on patients’ visual needs and their issues related to eye health. You can get LASIK surgery anytime but this primarily depends on factors like age and visual needs of the patient.  If you are already dealing with blurriness and belong to the age range after 20 you can get LASIK surgery as this is one of the best surgery to get back the original vision but it also comes with complications which occurs rarely. Pre-existing diseases are evaluated and examined before considering any kind of surgery. Some medications taken by elderly patients like Amiodarone are a contraindication for LASIK. Consumption of amiodarone arrhythmia drug leads to light sensitivity and poor cornea healing.  A full evaluation will decide whether the LASIK eye surgery is suitable for you or not. You can discuss your concern related to the laser vision correction with your doctor don’t let any factor stop you from seeking any type of consultation.


Q13. How long does Lasik lasts

This depends on age factors and Lasik’s health. Lasik effects can be observed forever and some may need to get consultation for enhancement of LASIK after 10 years. It is a myth that LASIK last for 10 years and it wore off after that but it’s not true in every case as most of the cases have experienced its forever effect. With the proper evaluation and treatment underlying problems such as presbyopia can make

LASIK is ineffective. As you age and enter your 40s and 50s eye becomes stiffer which leads to presbyopia which makes it difficult to focus and leads to near-sightedness. Some u dealing medical conditions can also impact LASIK eye surgery such as cataracts and it is completely a yacht that LASIK eye surgery can prevent cataracts but many people can still develop cataracts after the Lasik treatment. There is no doubt that doctors suggest Lasik enhancement surgery if you experience that LASIK is fading away. Previously when the first LASIK surgery is done doctors cut the flap and during the LASIK enhancement surgery instead of cutting the flap again, surgeons lift the previous and make adjustments to reshape the cornea again.  Vision correction procedures can be an option for some changes as some underlying medications made this important to opt for LASIK enhancement surgery after 10 years. Ageing conditions in cataracts and presbyopia can impact the vision even after getting LASIK treatment done so it becomes important to get a follow-up after LASIK surgery. 3.5 % of the patients need LASIK enhancement surgery after 10 years.


Q14. Does Lasik fix eye permanently

Lasik is permanent which means it cannot wear off but there are certain factors that have an impact on LASIK treatment such as some underlying conditions like presbyopia that progress over time with age. As you age and enter your 40s and 50s eye becomes stiffer that leads to presbyopia which makes it difficult to focus and lead near sightedness. Some underlying medical conditions can also impact LASIK eye surgery such as cataracts and it is completely a yacht that LASIK eye surgery can prevent cataracts but many people can still develop cataracts after the Lasik treatment. Patients have many doubts about whether LASIK is permanent or not so there is a short answer yes, it is permanent but changes to the lens or other aspects of the eye can necessitate another LASIK procedure. Lasik procedure has long physical effects but age plays a very important role as a patient’s eyesight may be affected in many ways with time and age. Cataracts are another factor to consider when undergoing LASIK laser eye surgery. Along with the LASIK eye surgery, you be needed cataract eye surgery later in life as cataracts are inevitable thus changes made to the cornea during the surgery remain permanent but all the discussed factors should be kept into account. Some people feel the need for LASIK enhancement surgery after 10 years or more and it is completely safe to be recommended.


Q15. How much time does it take to recover

You can get back to the day-to-day activities in a couple of days as most people can see within 48 hours for a full recovery and vision establishment it might take about three to six months and you will likely experience improvement following the surgery. You can also perform vigorous physical exercise and continued to do after some days of the surgery. For proper and better results you should take care of your eyes and protect them from the sunlight during the healing process as it is very essential  for the eye to be healed properly that’s why you are recommended to avoid rubbing your eyes. If you failed to do so the flap can dislodge which should be undergone with the surgery as it can lead to permanent complications and vision loss. You should drive home after the surgery and should avoid the air pressure outside because of the surgery the eye becomes sensitive and can cause itching. After the surgery is done successfully you should go for regular check-ups as mentioned by your doctor. It takes 6 weeks to nine months for you to fully see the improvement after the surgery however after the surgery you can perform your day-to-day activities but with precautions like you should avoid putting pressure on your eyes, avoiding swimming at least for two weeks after the surgery and should avoid putting water as well. Otherwise, you will be advised about all the guidelines and precautions by your surgeon.


Q16. Benefits and risk involved with  Lasik surgery

Lasik surgery has gained popularity in the last few years because of its success rate. This procedure is proven to be effective for permanently improving vision defects. Lasik eye surgery is alternative to contact lenses and glasses as you go through LASIK surgery you will not need glasses anymore .there are both risks and benefits involved with LASIK. Lasik helps in improving the eyesight of the person which plays an important role as an alternative to glasses or contact lenses. Quick surgery with immediate results, A hassle-free lifestyle and self-confidence, saving money in the long run, and pain-free are some of the befits involved with LASIK eye surgery. The above discussed are benefits but you should be aware of some potential risks involved with this treatment such as Dry eyes, Under-corrections, Regression, Vision loss or double vision and glare. You should inform your doctor about the pre-existing conditions as this can increase the risk. Doctors perform surgery based on the proper examination and evaluation but should be opened about your concerns and underlying known condition to avoid further risk as this will provide you with a clear picture of whether you are suitable for this surgery or not. People with A weak immune system, the issue with tear ducts, rheumatoid arthritis, uveitis, herpes simplex, glaucoma or cataracts are suggested not to go ahead with LASIK treatment. Lasik surgery should also be avoided if you suffer from an eye disease that affects the cornea, very large pupils, age-related blurred vision and severe near-sightedness


Q17. Who is good candidate for Lasik surgery

You are a good candidate for LASIK if you have a stable vision prescription which is one or two years before the LASIK surgery because this helps in examining the problem. If you are already dealing with blurriness and belong to the age range after 20 you can get LASIK surgery as this is one of the best surgery to get back the original vision but it also comes with complications which occurs rarely. Pre-existing diseases are evaluated and examined before considering any kind of surgery. Some medications taken by elderly patients like Amiodarone are a contraindication for LASIK. Apart from individual visual needs, you must be over 18 to be considered for the LASIK surgery as people below 18 are still growing and gpo through hormonal changes which also affect eths vision changes as well so people below 18 are asked to wait for the valuation. Health also plays a major role in deciding whether you are fit for LASIK surgery or not. If you have the dry eye you will be treated with alternative techniques but will not be recommended to have LASIK until your symptoms are under control. If you are still confused if you are a good candidate for the LASIK or not you should share with the doctor and get a consultation.


Q18. How much does Lasik cost. Is this treatment expensive?

The average cost of LASIK varies between 30000-80000 for both eyes. It also depends on the hospital, regions and doctors. Prices can also vary based on the patient’s health condition.  Clinics used modern tools and techniques for surgery which can increase the charge more than standard surgery. Renowned technology and the latest equipment can affect the charges of the clinic. the procedure can also impact the charges as invasive procedures require average charges but non-standard procedures such as relax smile treatment will charge higher than the standard prices of the clinic. City and locality is another factor as big metro cities will be more expensive when compare to non-metro cities because to of setting up the clinics also much higher. Aftercare surgery is often recommended by the doctor for evaluation which affects the overall cost of the surgery. Medicines and transportation if included can also affect the cost apart from the surgery. If in any case, you choose to have aftercare service you will be charged according to your needs. If your evaluation is done by an optician your cost will be reduced but if you choose a surgeon for examining your eye problem cost will be increased for sure. However, you should ensure the maximum health benefits and choose what is best for you according to your health need as negligence can hamper your condition an make it worst.  The cost might be increased or for some it may be expensive but once  it is done you will be permanently treated and will be able to get back to your normal vision.


Q20. What you can expect?

Before the procedure doctors evaluate the overall health and the concerned issue.  Before examine doctor will ask you about your medical history as this will help in assessing whether you are the right fit for the LASIK or not. The doctor will examine Eye infections, Inflammation Dry eyes, large pupils, and High eye pressure. Your cornea will be measured by noting done shape, contour, thickness and irregularities related to this based on which the doctor will evaluate the amount of issue which should be removed for reshaping your cornea.  Doctors will explain to you all the benefits and risks involved with LASIK eye surgery. After the surgery, you might feel a gritty, itching or burning sensation with a little pain but it will fade away after some time.  Pain medications and eye drops will be prescribed to you by your doctor based on your surgery. You will feel comfortable after the surgery but your vision won’t get clear immediately you might feel blurriness. For healing it might take 6 weeks to 9 months and during the process you should take precautions and avoid the risk involved with the eye.   You should take frequent follow-ups recommended by the doctor to evaluate the changes and if any complications are observed you will be

Offered medications and aftercare. You should avoid using any cosmetics around your eyes as eyes become sensitive and weak after the surgery and it takes time to heal. In general, you have a very good chance of achieving 20/25 vision or better after refractive surgery. It is observed that 8 out of 10 people require no glasses or contact lenses. This surgery is might bring less predictable result for the people who are diagnosed with the conditions are astigmatism along with near-sightedness or farsightedness.